This quote represents of who I am because This quote represent me of who I am because
I may not be the fastest or the strongest on my team, hockey is in my blood and this is who we are.
but that doesn't mean I give. I should be trying my Playing hockey with a team is like a second
hardest to be the best. And this doesn't represent family and we practice and play games
when I'm on the ice. This also represent me at school, together almost everyday. We basically live
try my best to get good grades. And if I bombed a test in the rink. It's where we get our minds off of
I should be ready for the next. Never give up. homework and all the stress that were having.
Charlielu ~ I really like the quotations that you chose. It looks like the format of your post, however, is out of whack. It's difficult to figure out. Can you figure it out so that we can read your profound thoughts? :)